As I began this project, coming from a more traditional urban design and planning perspective, I anticipated developing a linear chart of activities and events based upon a time schedule. The Heart of Roanoke, however, has quickly assumed a vitality and direction of its own, that I am still trying to understand! While I delve further into developing ways to share the experience of re-shaping & re-molding & re-modelling our environment, I quickly forget that some of the tasks I learned only a month ago, have become second-nature to me. So that, I forget to leave the gate open behind me, so to speak.
Following, I arranged some screen shots that should look similar to what you see on your computer/device when you are in Facebook.
First, is your home page. The following is a screen shot of mine (w/modifications to protect privacy):

What follows will be your Groups page. The column of groups on the left shows groups recently joined by your friends. The column on the right shows groups you have joined listed in order of updates, most recent on top.

Next, you’ll see “The Heart of Roanoke” main page. Be sure to use your scroll bar (or scroll wheel on your mouse). It is a long page and has several different sections:

After opening the Photo Gallery on The Heart of Roanoke Page, you’ll be able to review each photo and comments others have made. You are also encouraged to leave your own comments that may occur to you.

The next screen reveals a larger image of the photo, the photographer’s caption, and comments by others.

Please enjoy yourself.
Comments are subject to deletion if deemed inapproriate.
Eldon - This is fantastic! Why don't we start skinning the political cat with this. Council? Valley Leadership Council? Our small group? Tommy