Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Looking across The Heart of Roanoke in Google Earth

This view shows an overlay of an 1891 map on our contemporary landscape. Compare this image to the previous historic photograph. In the Google image you can see the Burrell site in the lower right hand corner near the Google logo. What other common locations can you identify?

This is an example of the kind of study required that can yield observations over the city's growth. I noticed that the streets that I could see appeared to be dirt. And this view is quite barren of trees.

Permission to publish Norfolk Southern images must be obtained from NS before TIFF images will be provided. Permission to publish must be obtained from Rhonda.Broom@nscorp.comNorfolk & Western Historical Photograph Collection


  1. Well, I am having trouble activating the pictures, but, I would agree the the Burrell site is a view looking North from what is now Burrell Memorial Hospital off Orange avenue.

  2. Sorry for the difficulty. It's Wednesday morning and I'm trying to correct the problem.

  3. I would expect that much of early Roanoke photos like this would be treeless. After all, it was agricultural and trees were a problem, not a help.
