Sunday, December 20, 2009

This Could Last Through Christmas! Oh Joy!

Shadows on the snow on the studio deck

Looking out toward Bent Mountain

 Snow Shadows

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Mornin':Thinking about the Roanoke City Market

I think David Trinkle's idea of providing assistance to displaced vendors in the City Market Building is well worth  consideration by Council. Perhaps, the same consideration should be given to those businesses along Wall & Market Streets along the East & West sides of the Market Building.

Surely,  some time must be taken to understand the real cost of moving these businesses to wherever, including upfit requirements in temporary(?) space, and reestablishing the vendors in the Market Building a year later.  Was planning building systems items for renovation/replacement such as water, sewer, electrical undertaken with detailed input from the eventual building vendors?
How would that cost compare to conducting renovations to the City Market Building incrementally? What might the increments be? Half the building at a time, one quarter at a time, upstairs/downstairs, vendor-by-vendor?
With Twists & Turns and Claire V's expression of intent to leave the market due to Center-in-the Square's intent to sell the building next summer to reduce expenses and raise money to allow the beginning of their major renovation; thoughtful consideration must be given to the implementation of these "most public" of projects in an open design lab atmosphere (as compared to another "Town Hall" format).

The problem is arising from an obscure & archaic planning process.  It is no one's fault!
The confluence of an economy in a tailspin and increasing divisiveness/partisanship in our society demands change in our approach to designing, planning and building our future.

The process needs to be transparent, flexible and quickly responsive. Think monumentally; act incrementally. Think globally; act locally.

Think for The Heart of Roanoke: A forum for discussion of issues like these.

If Construction is scheduled to begin 8-12 months away,  the architects & engineers of the project are not so far along in the creation of construction documents and specifications that a review of the project's implementation would create a problem. In fact, such review or reconsideration of projects in this stage is normal in my experience.
Eldon L Karr-Architect

Monday, October 5, 2009

Urban Design - Historical Framework Reference

As a resident of this area for a half-century and as an Architect and Urban Designer, I have tried to remain cognizant of the history of this area if not really well-studied. Recently, I discovered a book entitled, Roanoke, Virginia, 1882-1912: magic city of the new South By Rand Dotson, who has done the research work, and very well, too.

Following, is a review of the work by Tom Lee of East Tennessee State University:
Roanoke, Virginia, 1882-1912: Magic City of the New South. By Rand Dotson. (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2007. Pp. [xxii], 338. $42.00, ISBN 978-1-57233-592-9.)
Too often, the label urban Appalachians evokes thoughts of urban ghettos in northern cities and the so-called hillbilly highway. Over the course of the last few decades, however, a number of scholars have produced studies of cities within and on the outskirts of Appalachia that have illuminated the complexities of New South cities and their relationship to the mountains. With Roanoke, Virginia, 1882-1912: Magic City of the New South, Rand Dotson has filled a huge gap in the literature and done it well.
In the 1850s the village of Big Lick, a tobacco manufacturing, warehousing, and transit center, developed around a depot located along low, marshy land, or licks, where surveyors chose to route the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad in Roanoke County. Although near ruin at the end of the Civil War, Big Lick achieved township status in 1874 and in 1880 claimed a population of 669, almost evenly divided between blacks and whites. In 1881 officials of Enoch W. Clark & Company chose Big Lick as the junction of two company-owned railroads, the Norfolk and Western Railroad and the Shenandoah Valley Railroad, and they established offices, shops, yards, and ancillary businesses. With the agreement of locals, railroad officials chose to rename the town Roanoke, and by 1883 Roanoke had become a New South boomtown with over a thousand new migrants, many of whom were skilled workers from the North and most of whom were white. By 1890 the city conceived and fostered by a single company had become what Dotson calls a "corporate town" with multiple enterprises independent of the railroads and an independent municipal government that, although factionalized, shared the tenets of the New South (p. 28).
Roanoke's economic fortunes aggravated political, ethnic, racial, and class divisions, endangered public health and public morality; and threatened potential discord and disorder. Throughout the late 1880s business and civic leaders utilized company paternalism, moral crusades, and appeals to a white-dominated urban ethos to check potential threats to city harmony, but the onset of economic depression in 1893 and the alleged robbery and assault by a black man of a white woman from a neighboring county inflamed simmering tensions within the city. When Roanoke's working-class whites, bolstered by rural whites, threatened to lynch the incarcerated suspect, the mayor, a Roanoke native and longtime city booster, called out the Virginia militia. A confused exchange of shots left eight people dead, wounded thirty-one, and forced the mayor, the militia, and other important citizens to flee: the mob hanged and burned the prisoner. The riot, crucial to Dotson's story, punctured Roanoke's reputation as a city hospitable to new investment, but it failed to force city civic and business leaders to address divisions in the city. Rather, in true Progressive fashion, they sought to restore Roanoke's image by channeling unrest into moral improvement movements like Prohibition into civic improvements like urban planning and sanitation, and into legalized expressions of "justice" like sanctioned hangings.
Dotson's work is more than a case study of a New South city on the edge of Appalachia or of any single group. With ample attention to primary and secondary sources, he explores the interactions of multiple interests within Roanoke and adds considerable complexity and nuance to the story of Roanoke's elite. While Dotson argues successfully that social conservatism and boosterism linked Roanoke with other cities of the New South, certain of his assertions need more thorough treatment. However, these minor points should not diminish the story that Dotson has assembled. Anyone with an interest in Roanoke, the New South, Appalachia, labor history, urban history, or race will find much of value in Dotson's work.

Thank you to Rand Dotson, who reminds all current Roanokers of many fences that must be mended as we move forward, while we remain cognizant of the fact that not one of us can live with the expectation that our very own great, great, grandchildren should make amends for our indiscretions.This is must read for all dedicated Roanokers, new & old.


Lee, Tom. "Roanoke, Virginia, 1882-1912: Magic City of the New South.(Book review)." Journal of Southern History. 2009. Retrieved October 05, 2009 from accessmylibrary:

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Idea Sketches - The Greening of Henry Street #3

So, now it's Spring 2012. We are standing at the intersection of Wells Avenue and Henry Street looking back toward the Wachovia/Wells Fargo building. We see the Old Henry Street frameworks that pay homage to the cultural history of this short section of street designated with a National Historical Landmark status.
Two perfectly restored vehicles; a 1930 sedan and a 1948 Tucker Torpedo have been brought to the pavilion that represents an old service station that stood in the same spot nearly 60 years ago! They were brought for the Henry Street Festival in the recently completed park area.
Development of the area continues as excavations for the new HealthCare Forum building are underway behind the trees and adjacent to the new Higher Education Plaza.
The steel silhouette of the two men talking might be talking about the new developments in the area. But, no, the plaque at their base indicates that this silhouette honors Oscar Micheaux and Oliver Hill. (What do you think the older Micheaux might have been saying to the much younger Hill?) There are four or five other silhouette monuments placed along Henry Street honoring outstanding contributors from the Gainesborough neighborhood.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Idea Sketches - Playing with Rupert's Idea

Vertical Wall Gardens?
Urban Art?
or both?
What do you think?

Let's keep planting more trees, too!

Idea Sketches - The Greening of Henry Street #2

Can You Imagine... A way to honor a street with no buildings that has been designated a National Historic Landmark. Do you remember Tom's Service station at the Corner of Henry Street and Wells Avenue. Today the frame could serve as a park shelter.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Idea Sketches - The Greening of Henry Street #1

Studies in restoring the scale and reestablishing a sense of place. As much planting as possible to restore the air. Create an oasis with a view.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Roanoke's Original Passenger & Freight Station

This photo post is in response to Kim Hardy's question earlier. Original N&W office building
distant right. Hotel Roanoke far right.

Design09 – The Heart of Roanoke

Since 1979, the City of Roanoke has not experienced a more effective effort to shape the future of Downtown Roanoke than the Design'79 Urban Design & Planning exercise conducted by legendary architects Charles Moore & Chad Floyd. The secret to their success was the utilization of local TV productions to capture and engage Roanoke citizens in the process. It also was a well designed process that recruited the active participation of local private architectural and engineering firms.

Today, we find ourselves on Facebook, Twitter and a multitude of other social media sites communicating more than we did when we were growing up in 1960's thru 1990's suburban homes not even knowing our neighbor's names. A ”virtual world” site called SecondLife by Linden Labs is being utilized governments and universities around the world to establish virtual conferences , exhibits, meetings and online classrooms.

I am a home-grown local architect, who has practiced throughout VA, and in MD, DE, MI, MN, NC, and TX. I created a group page on FB that seeks to actively engage all current residents, with private and business interests, as well as the bountiful resource of Downtown Roanoke's users, merchants, and clientele, in an urban design experience. It is my belief that this experience will evolve into a dynamic continuing urban design process that will assure greater fiscal efficiency through sustainable improvements.

Urban design is a part of much more encompassing plan called a Comprehensive Plan in most communities. An interesting article and discussion of the subject is on Wikipedia @ the following was excerpted from that article:

Urban design considers:
Urban structure – How a place is put together and how its parts relate to each other
Urban typology, density and sustainability - spatial types and morphologies related to intensity of use, consumption of resources and production and maintenance of viable communities
Accessibility – Providing for ease, safety and choice when moving to and through places
Legibility and
wayfinding – Helping people to find their way around and understand how a place works
Animation – Designing
places to stimulate public activity
Function and fit – Shaping
places to support their varied intended uses
mixed uses – Locating activities to allow constructive interaction between them
Character and meaning – Recognizing and valuing the differences between one place and another
Order and incident – Balancing consistency and variety in the urban environment in the interests of appreciating both
Continuity and change – Locating people in time and place, including respect for
heritage and support for contemporary culture
Civil society – Making places where people are free to encounter each other as civic equals, an important component in building social capital

Through the use of currently common technology, I have created 3D models of “The Heart of Roanoke” to use in the study of the growth, influences and role changes in the history of the area.
After a cautious beginning four months ago, the Group now has attracted 325 members including many prominent residents of the city. The Facebook Roanoke Network currently has over 102,000 members registered. The city’s current total population is approx. 94,000!
Members of the Group are encouraged to submit photos of the downtown area to convey observations of the things we would like to protect and those things we would like to see changed. Other members comment on the photos, as well, providing opportunity for discussion and ideas.
My professional experience has brought me to a place where I can provide a strong sense of connection to the specific area and community of interest and a long history of field study and education in design, planning, architecture and related public governance. In addition to utilizing “new-media” in this project, I am trying to engage the community deeply into the process that I, as an architect and an urban designer pursue on a day to day basis, including cataloguing and recording the activities.

Friday, August 14, 2009

So, it sounds g-r-r-reat, but, HOW DOES IT WORK?

I seem to always find myself a little out of “sync,” particularly, while trying to push the envelope in the development and communication of new designs and new ideas.
As I began this project, coming from a more traditional urban design and planning perspective, I anticipated developing a linear chart of activities and events based upon a time schedule. The Heart of Roanoke, however, has quickly assumed a vitality and direction of its own, that I am still trying to understand! While I delve further into developing ways to share the experience of re-shaping & re-molding & re-modelling our environment, I quickly forget that some of the tasks I learned only a month ago, have become second-nature to me. So that, I forget to leave the gate open behind me, so to speak.

Following, I arranged some screen shots that should look similar to what you see on your computer/device when you are in Facebook.
First, is your home page. The following is a screen shot of mine (w/modifications to protect privacy):

What follows will be your Groups page. The column of groups on the left shows groups recently joined by your friends. The column on the right shows groups you have joined listed in order of updates, most recent on top.

Next, you’ll see “The Heart of Roanoke” main page. Be sure to use your scroll bar (or scroll wheel on your mouse). It is a long page and has several different sections:

After opening the Photo Gallery on The Heart of Roanoke Page, you’ll be able to review each photo and comments others have made. You are also encouraged to leave your own comments that may occur to you.

The next screen reveals a larger image of the photo, the photographer’s caption, and comments by others.

Please enjoy yourself.

Comments are subject to deletion if deemed inapproriate.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Looking across The Heart of Roanoke in Google Earth

This view shows an overlay of an 1891 map on our contemporary landscape. Compare this image to the previous historic photograph. In the Google image you can see the Burrell site in the lower right hand corner near the Google logo. What other common locations can you identify?

This is an example of the kind of study required that can yield observations over the city's growth. I noticed that the streets that I could see appeared to be dirt. And this view is quite barren of trees.

Permission to publish Norfolk Southern images must be obtained from NS before TIFF images will be provided. Permission to publish must be obtained from Rhonda.Broom@nscorp.comNorfolk & Western Historical Photograph Collection

Monday, August 10, 2009

Looking across The Heart of Roanoke

Looking across The Heart of Roanoke in 1898 from the site of The Allegheny Institute which became Burrell Memorial Hospital.

Permission to publish Norfolk Southern images must be obtained from NS before TIFF images will be provided. Permission to publish must be obtained from
Norfolk & Western Historical Photograph Collection